Vax Ultima Type C

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  • Automatically Generated secure PDF report
  • No software require to access file
  • Integrated USB to download data report without additional interface or cable
  • NIST Traceable calibration certificate included for proven accuracy and to comply with regulations
  • Compact and slim design with non corrodible plastics allows placement in the vaccine box without using extra space
  • Waterproof casing ensures continuous logging even in complex environment
  • LCD Shows, Battery levels, Current temperature,start delay time left, alarm and running status,trip duration, first alarm time and temperature each thresholds , elapsed trip duration, capable of photo copying


Type C – previously called Type 1 : WHO – recommended alarm settings for international shipment of DTP, DT, DTP – HepB – Hib, Hib (liquid), HepA, HepB, HPV, Influenza seosanal (liquid), Meningococcal ACYW – 135 (liquid), OCV, PCV (other then prevnar), Rabies, RV, (liquid and other than Bharat liquid), TT, Td.